
One Flew Over the Phoenix's Nest

One Flew Over the Phoenix's Nest

      Phoenix is a Web Framework inspired by Ruby On Rails, the father of all modern Web Frameworks. It’s written on Elixir, which is a functional dynamic language that runs on the Erlang Virtual Machine. The ErlangVM, also known as BEAM, is an incredible piece of engineering. It has been around for about 30 years but for some reason, it didn’t get mainstream. Its reliability is contrasted: around 50% of the worlds telephone switches work on top of BEAM. Another example is WhatsApp (link, link), which is able to handle more than 900 million users thanks to the ErlangVM.  

Using FSharp with OrchardCMS

Using FSharp with OrchardCMS

  Introduction   This post describes how to use FSharp and Orchard together. If you want to know why to use FSharp, here you can find a lot of reasons (http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/why-use-fsharp/).   

Displaying Editor Templates on a custom theme.

Displaying Editor Templates on a custom theme.

  Disclaimer: this post can be "advanced stuff" for someone who is starting with orchard. Because of this, I will try to keep it simple and build it with the minimum code necessary.    Usually when you're developing a web application in Orchard and you want to edit a content item, you have two options: