
MvvmCross: Handling notification clicks.

MvvmCross: Handling notification clicks.

Handling local notifications in Android is different as in iOS, so that code is non cross platform. On MvvmCross I like to handle that kind of scenarios in a custom Plugin, but this time, to keep the post very short I will handle it in the Activity that raised the notification. 

MvvmCross changing custom view without following a convention

MvvmCross changing custom view without following a convention

    In MvvmCross when you create a view for a ViewModel you usually just have to follow the convention. For example, for a ViewModel called MapViewModel the name should be MapView. But what happens when you want to show a different view for that MapViewModel? I'm working on a project which has online and offline maps, for the online implementation I chose Google Maps and for the offline I chose OpenStreet with the RouteMe implementation (I did a pull request supporting offline map in Xamarin.iOS, you can find the repo in the official MonoTouch library bindings).

by jmgomez | Oct. 3, 2013 | Mobile , MvvmCross

MvvmCross Presentation

MvvmCross Presentation

    A few days ago I have been at the University of La Laguna speaking about MvvmCross and how to maximize the amount of shareable code. Many thanks to @TenerifeDev.  Unfortunaly the presentation wasn't recorded but below is the link to the code and the slides.   The 18th of June I will be speaking about MvvmCross again, but this time in a Webcast thanks to DotNetClub of the Open University of Catalonia and Microsoft Ibérica.  Code:

Reaching the Nirvana: MvvmCross + Xamarin.iOS + FSharp

Reaching the Nirvana: MvvmCross + Xamarin.iOS + FSharp

Introduction: This time I want to show you how to combine three of my favourite technologies in a simple way: MvvmCross, Xamarin.iOS y Fsharp     Disclaimer: I'm not a FSharp expert. I just fell in love with the first line I wrote. There is so much power behind the scenes.   I want to keep the example as simple as possible so I based it on the easiest example of mvvmcross that you can find in CSharp (link).