Using FSharp with OrchardCMS
Introduction This post describes how to use FSharp and Orchard together. If you want to know why to use FSharp, here you can find a lot of reasons (
by jmgomez | Jan. 18, 2014 | ASP.NET MVC , FSharp , Web , OrchardCMS
Displaying Editor Templates on a custom theme.
Disclaimer: this post can be "advanced stuff" for someone who is starting with orchard. Because of this, I will try to keep it simple and build it with the minimum code necessary. Usually when you're developing a web application in Orchard and you want to edit a content item, you have two options:
by jmgomez | Nov. 7, 2013 | ASP.NET MVC , Web , OrchardCMS
Custom Ad system: OrchadCMS+WebApi+MvvmCross Part I [Server Side]
Introduction: One of my customers wanted a very simple ad system. He wants to be able to publish ads via web, so they'll be reflected in his iOS native app built on top of Xamarin.iOS and MvvmCross. In this series of two posts, I'll be talking about how to expose custom Orchard's manager content via WebApi and take it from a client built with MvvmCross. So the first part, this post, is about the server side and soon I'll publish the client side.
by jmgomez | May 22, 2013 | ASP.NET MVC , OrchardCMS